Saturday 22 December 2012

So it begins. To be honest, I've felt more nervous about writing this blog than actually going on this trip! I've finally managed to muster the courage to dip my toe into the water of the blogging world. How to write something that informs everyone what we as a team are doing, whilst at the same time being funny and interesting, seems a daunting challenge.

I suppose I could promise you a white-knuckle rollercoaster ride, taking you through all the highs and lows of the trip, journeying with me in an adventure that is so intense and gripping that you wouldn't dare to take your eyes off this blog. Alas, I doubt that will happen. I suspect this blog will develop at more of a plod than a canter (by analogy, think Lord of the Rings or Pilgrim's Progress, rather than Bourne Identity or Mission Impossible).

Anyway, in the next few months I will endeavour to keep you all both informed of, and entertained by, my antics before, during and after this adventure to Malawi. Not much to report so far, other than that fundraising is going well and that my arms currently have more holes in them than a Swiss cheese, owing to the frightful number of injections I've had to take (it's certainly a longer list than any I ever sent to Santa).

That's all for now folks. Have a merry Christmas, and I'll see you all in 2013...